What can you do to lower your blood sugar without taking more medication?
Being diagnosed with Type II diabetes can be a bummer, and it can be a struggle to keep blood sugars under control.
Sometimes, you may find yourself with blood sugar levels that are higher than normal (let’s say around 150, for example), but not excessive enough to necessitate taking more medication. You don’t feel very good with the higher blood sugar, but taking medication can make your blood sugar TOO low.
So what can you do to lower your blood sugar up to 40 points without taking more medication? Try the following these 13 tips and see if you can lower your blood sugar naturally. (See also: How to Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes)
Health Disclaimer: As always, you need to be careful to monitor your sugar levels so as not to become hypoglycemic (that’s when your blood sugar is too low, which is dangerous). Talk to your physician before making any changes to your diet. And remember, these 13 tips for lowering blood sugar may work for many people, but they won’t work for everyone.
Carb Intake
Carbs are basically sugar, and everybody should make an effort to control their intake, especially diabetics.
1. Cut Back the Carbs
Effects seen: Immediate
Your diet is something you want to talk to your physician about, but the simple fact is that a lower carb diet makes it easier to maintain stable blood sugar levels. It’s part of why you’re hearing so much about the Paleo Diet these days.
Carbohydrates are found in starchy foods — root vegetables, grains, rice, and legumes — and all of their derivatives, like bread, pasta, sushi, French fries, mashed yams, and even lentil soup. As someone who has been diabetic for nearly 20 years, I can attest that eating a diet low in carbohydrates, but rich in leafy greens, nuts, dark fruits like berries, and lean meats has had an amazing effect on my blood sugar control. I get all of the nutrients that I need without consuming grains. It takes a lot more effort to choose low-carb snacks over something as delicious as pie, but it makes a huge difference in the way that I feel. (See also: 12 Cheap and Healthy Snacks)
2. Spread Out the Carbs
Effects seen: Immediate
For the carbohydrates that you do eat, try to spread them out evenly throughout the day. For instance, if you really love apples, but eating an entire apple raises your blood sugar, simply eat your apple wedge by wedge over the course of a few hours, rather than all at once. The apple will likely raise your blood sugar, but not in a huge spike. If you can keep your blood sugar levels more steady (without big jumps and drops), you’ll feel less hungry and grumpy.
Move Around
Exercise helps in the short term by immediately lowering blood sugar, and in the long term helps your body burn glucose more efficiently.
3. Get Some Light Exercise
Effects seen: Within 1 hour
Light exercise can lower your blood sugar level, often within minutes. I’m talking about a brisk walk or bicycle ride — not a long run or weight lifting. I’ve personally lowered my blood sugar by 40 points with a 20-minute walk. Light exercise is my go-to technique for lowering my blood sugar. (See also: Ways to Exercise in Under 5 Minutes)
4. Weight Training
Effects seen: Long term
Strength training may temporarily raise your blood sugar, but over time, it will help you build the kind of muscle that can burn glucose more efficiently.
Drink These
Several beverages can bring your blood sugar down quickly, too.
5. Unsweetened Tea
Effects seen: Within 30 minutes
Unsweetened black, white, and green tea can help lower your blood sugar within as little as a half hour. Green tea supplements also have a positive effect on blood sugar levels. (See also: Types and Benefits of Tea)
6. A Glass of Red Wine
Effects seen: Within 1 hour
Many kinds of alcohol have the effect of lowering overall blood sugar levels (beer may have the opposite effect because of the total carbohydrate content). Red wine lowers your blood sugar by preventing the absorption of glucose by the intestines. Keep in mind that alcohol is not an effective long term blood glucose control, because it can contribute to the build-up of liver fat. (See also: Best Wine Openers)
Take a Supplement
Lots of people take supplements for long term health benefits, but these will bring down blood sugar relatively quickly.
7. Cinnamon Pills
Effects seen: Within 1 hour
Cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood sugars, although not effectively in post-menopausal women. In order to take enough cinnamon to lower your blood sugar, take it in capsule form. I take approximately 3,000 mg at each meal.
8. Chromium Picolinate
Effects seen: Within 1 hour
Chromium picolinate has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in Type II diabetics in many studies. Go easy on this particular supplement, though — it can do damage to your liver if you take too much.
You can read the rest of Andrea Karim’s article here: